Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Star of the Week

Our Star of the Week this week is Mr Bayley McDonald!
We have been super impressed with Bayleys great attitude to school and learning and have admired how hard he works all the time!
Well done Bayley!

What a Star!

Happy Easter

Room 14 wishes all our wonderful blog followers a Happy Easter and a wonderful holiday with family and friends.

Watch how Easter Eggs are made on this lovely little clip by Walt Disney.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013


In Room 14 we have been working on the size and shape of our handwriting.
Today Miss Caldwell said it's our neatest yet!

Monday, 25 March 2013


Today Miss Caldwell bought in her 3 year old dog named Paddy.  Paddy is a Beagle.  Miss Caldwell told us that Beagles are very good at smelling things and they they are used at the airports to smell out things in peoples luggage.
Paddy was a lovely wee dog he wagged his tail and sniffed around the room and he loved all the cuddles we gave him.  We wrote stories about Paddy and drew some pretty cool pictures of him too.  We hope he comes back again soon.

The Jellybean Tree

This week our shared book is called 'The Jellybean Tree'.  It is written by Jill Eggleton.  We are really enjoying the book because it is about a man that read every day under a tree in the hope that it would make some jellybeans for him to eat.  Miss Caldwell told us that we have our own very special jellybean tree in Room 14.  She said if we sit under it everyday and read to it then we might just get a surprise.  We all read to under it today.  Greta showed us a spot where she thinks a jellybean is growing!!  Keep your fingers crossed!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Star of the Week

This weeks star of the week was a very easy choice.
Tommy has been a real champion this week showing his classmates how to be a good friend and is always listening carefully to what he is supposed to be doing.  We are very proud of Tommy and look forward to him leading the class next week.
You are a star Tommy!

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Friday 22nd March

 Remember your Reading Logs and Homework books are due back tomorrow.
Don't forget!

Pond Visit

Today we went to a HUGE pond at Hunter Road to explore what was living there.  We saw lots of different things and had lots of fun getting wet!  We had a great groups of parents that came with us we especially loved that Grace's dad Sean bought a big microscope to help us look closer at the bugs we found.
We had such a good time, but are glad to be drying off back at school.